Saturday, February 19, 2011

Recipe Additions Along the Way

We have the ham still cooking, the chicken thighs (yes, we procured grainy mustard!) in the oven, the biscotti baked, chocolate cookies baked (they can't be eaten yet - waiting on their chocolate goodness centers!), the cheese straws are mid-process (by the way, holy labor intensive, Batman! Props go to Mr. Muff for taking the lead on this tricky one), and the wild rice is on the stove. We're about to be slammed with a bunch of dishes to eat.

But I must stray from our regularly scheduled menu to inform you of a deviation. The search for a rolling pin was not faring well, so we decided to call the parents to find out where it was located. While on the phone, we were instructed to add the recipe for Rude Little Pigs. Quite easy, really ... margarita mix, pomegranate juice, and smokey tequila, blended with ice, and served in a glass with a salted, baconed rim. Yes, I said baconed. I doubt that is a real word, but it should enter the lexicon. Baconed.

A Rude Little Pig with
Ben and Ingrid Chatting in the Background

1 comment:

  1. Ed and I have been discovering the new food.scene in Williamsburg (Brooklyn, that is) and were introduced to restaurant Traif by our son, Garrett, the world traveler now residing in Bogata.
    At Traif (look up the Yiddish meaning of this) we were introduced to their signature drink, the Rude Little Pig. Enamoured with the libation, we set about infusing some tequilla with lapsong souchong tea, a smoky essence. Alec Baldwin would be proud! As Joni Mitchell once said..."Drink up now, it's time to close" (play Court and Spark in the cd player). Hope you enjoy the detour!
